January Freebie: Dream Big Pray Hard

2018, we welcome you! We believe that our best days are not the ones behind us but those that lie ahead, waiting to be lived, and that in this year reside some of those incredible, best moments.

And with that, HAPPY NEW YEAR, friends!!

I'm so genuinely excited to bring you this month's Freebie! It's a new year, a new month, and a new lock screen that I believe could potentially set the tone for great things throughout your entire year.

Two life-themes have collided for me the past month or two - dreaming and prayer - and these are the inspiration behind this new hand lettered lock screen. God is teaching me brand new things about both, and honestly, I'm inspired! I've been reminded that God created our hearts to be dream-factories and that a healthy heart is a dreaming heart. I've become excited, for maybe the first time ever, about prayer, it's possibilities, and its legit, mountain-moving power.

Dream Big Pray Hard January Freebie

I have a lot more to say about this Holy-Spirit-inspired mantra, "Dream Big, Pray Hard," and what it means to me - what it means for US! - but I'm gonna save some of those deep thoughts for the release of our newest product coming later this week!

Yes, you heard me right, I've got a new product coming! The quote and artwork for this month's Freebie is also the inspiration behind our newest product: Raw Sugar Writes' first journal! Chic, sleek, and durable, this black faux-leather journal/notebook features 80 ivory lined pages, an elastic closure, interior pocket, and more. Click here to check it out and pre-order yours now!

In the meantime, I hope you love and are moved by these words on your phone. I pray the message inspires all of us to let fear fall by the wayside when it comes to dreaming with God and to believe and ask in confidence for the seemingly-impossible.

Click below to get your Freebie now! HAPPY NEW YEAR, sisters!


Email subscribers get each month's Freebie as
an instant download right in their inbox. Join our sugar-sweet email list before you go today and skip checkout next time.

Raw Sugar Writes January 2018 Freebie

Trust the Process


I'm Surrounded