Journal entries from my trip to Colorado


Saturday, October 3, 2020

On a plane to Colorado!

It’s crazy ... a year ago, on this exact same weekend, I was headed to the exact same place. I didn’t know a single person there, but I knew I had to be a part.

Two weeks earlier — by the grace of God — I was invited into something that I knew was so incredibly special. So unique. Something I had to say yes to even though I wasn’t quite sure yet how it’d all work out.

After growing her business from the kitchen to shops to farmer’s markets to the online space, Jaime Cross was about to transition her 9-year, multimillion-dollar company into the social selling space. And here I was, on a plane to Denver, jumping at the chance to lock arms with her, to serve, to lead, to share, to help the transition begin to take place.

That was a year ago. Since then, we’ve walked through seven months of pre-launch, five-plus months of soft launch, and now on Monday, it’s all official.

All the building, preparing, learning, planning, stretching, persevering has all been worth it to be here a year later saying HE WE GO!

Last night when we were cleaning up dinner, I said to Ryan, “I may be 40, but man, I’m just getting started!” And that’s how I feel about this movement. Our roots go 10-years-deep but, man, we’re just getting started. Where we are today is incredible, but it’s where we’re going that I want people to grab onto: domination in the natural home, health, and self space, a Restoration Farm, becoming the largest employer in Colorado, redeeming an industry, building thousands of women and men and helping each step into their own personal callings and destiny.

You know what I’d love? You on this plane next to me next October. I just want you to know, you’re already invited. It’s as simple as catching the vision.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Can you tell in this photo that I’ve cried more in the last three days than the whole year combined? (Not exaggerating.)

Good tears.

Holy Spirit tears.

Breakthrough tears.

I spent the last three days at a company event that felt more like a set of revival meetings! 🔥

Because He can’t be separated from what’s happening; He is the very foundation.

At this not-outright-Christian-company event, every speaker said His name, I’m pretty sure there were at least three legit sermons 😂, and somewhere around 50 people said yes to Jesus for the first time or gave Him a new level of access to their heart.

On night two, in the quiet of our cozy Airbnb, five of us went from raw conversation into the most powerful prayer sesh.

And you wanna know my biggest takeaway from this “business launch”?

That I needed to come home and make my marriage more of a priority.

Not my business.

Not the sales.

Not growing my team.


That revelation came from the stage. From the top, down. I’m so rocked. God has peeled back another layer. To bless. To grow. To upgrade.

I knew when I said yes to this a year ago that it was about so much more than product or income. But now I know — more than ever — that this movement is, and will continue to be, a vehicle for men and women to step into fullness in every area of their life.

‘Cause it’s doin’ that right now for me.

I would be so honored to share more with you about this company and movement I said yes to locking arms with. I believe for some of you, it will be that vehicle for breakthrough in your finances, your relationships, your health, finding an authentic sisterhood, and “the more” you’ve been after for a long time. Send me an email at and I’ll share with you a little more and a personal invite to a 45-minute Zoom with our founder sharing the beautiful God-story and where we’re headed together.


A shift in expectations


How to launch your own Amazon product (My story + details)