How to make the success-journey even sweeter

I am a firm believer that the level at which we can celebrate another’s success will determine, in part, how quickly we’ll see our own and how sweet the journey will be.⁣

⁣So cheer on the woman who is coming up behind you, the one running alongside you, *and* the one who’s a couple chapters ahead.⁣

⁣Girl, if He did it for one, He can do it for you!⁣

⁣When you watch another woman attain some of the exact same things you desire, be confident that as you continue to put your own hand to the plow, the harvest will come.⁣

⁣Your time will come.⁣
You aren’t late.⁣
You aren’t behind. ⁣

You’ve got your own lane,⁣
your own destiny,⁣
your own journey.⁣

God’s working things out in you right now that are key to your flourishing down the road. And being able to sustain it. ⁣

So, kill the envy.⁣
Starve the jealousy.⁣
Bury comparison.⁣
Celebrate the wins of the ones around you.⁣
Affirm the way they’re killing it.⁣
Applaud them for making an impact.⁣
Congratulate them on making their dreams a reality ‘cause it took a lot of hard work and sacrifice.⁣
Honor them with your words and in the deep places of your heart.⁣
Encourage often.⁣

It’ll make your own journey that much richer. And one day you’ll be on the receiving end of what you poured out into others.⁣


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