It was never meant to be done separate

The morning was hectic.

And to be honest, I really wasn’t looking forward to that 10 am Zoom.

Until the 10 am Zoom about strategies and websites started off with the Holy Spirit showing up and shifting the entire atmosphere.⁣⁣
After lunch, I find tears rolling down my face as I listen to voice messages from a new bookkeeper because I know God brought this woman my way and I can hear the purpose in her voice for the thing God’s called her to.⁣⁣
Later, as I’m returning messages about business-y stuff, sentences of life and encouragement just start pouring out. Because who she is and how she's doing matters so much more than any conversation about numbers and next steps.⁣⁣
It was never meant to be done separate.
All this.⁣⁣
The business from the ministry.⁣⁣
The passion from the work.⁣⁣
The calling from the serving.⁣⁣
Your purpose from your gifts.⁣⁣
They were all meant to function together because God placed all of them inside you. And He's not fragmented. He didn't mess up when He created you with all those different desires and facets that may feel in the beginning like they don't even go together.⁣⁣
But they do.⁣⁣
He's whole and He made you whole. And life-abundant is operating in that spot where you get to be all of you, freely and fully. And even the seemingly-insignificant things like strategy calls and Facebook messages and building businesses are never apart from Him. They're holy. And when you give Him access, He shows up and turns average things into beautiful, eternal things.⁣⁣
Just wow.


Is it possible to live unoffended?


You were made for this.