You were made for this.

I wanna let somebody know today that you have what it takes.⁣

Right now, you have access to everything you need to succeed.⁣

Maybe not for the whole thing yet, but for sure the next step.⁣

In Him, you cannot lose. Hear me. He turns everything around for good and even your failures will be made into stepping stones.⁣

Don't allow your ifs, your buts, your uncertainties to hold you back.⁣

Take action, even afraid. Especially afraid.⁣

The next month, the next year, the next 20 years are going to go by whether you take them by storm or not.⁣

Live today so that tomorrow you can say you held nothing back. That you gave it your all. That you didn't give up or let excuses, fear or insecurities collapse you into inaction.⁣

You went for the thing and you kept stepping into your destiny as much as you knew how.⁣

Brother, sister, you're up for the task.

You were made for it.⁣


It was never meant to be done separate


Choosing joy when you just don’t feel like it