Yeah, this. But God.

At one point or another, I have felt each of these things. This is written for anyone in the middle of the struggle. Sister, there's a promise attached to that problem.

I’m struggling this morning, BUT GOD’s about to invade my space ‘cause I’m gonna worship anyway. He’s gonna take this thing that hell meant to break me and turn it on its head so that it blesses me instead.

My marriage is hurting, BUT GOD designed and ordained this so I’m not giving up. As I look for ways to serve my spouse and thank, compliment and pray for him when I don’t feel like it, I. Will. See. A. Shift.

I worry about my kids, BUT GOD promised me generational blessing and that if I keep raising them in His ways, He’ll take care of the rest. So I’m gonna continue seeking the wisdom of heaven knowing He’ll come through.

This job is so hard, BUT GOD sees me and He’s gonna honor my faithfulness to keep loving the people around me. He’s got an upgrade coming my way either in mindset, position or location.

My finances are suffering, BUT GOD has given me the power to create wealth and He’s promised to take care of my every need, so I’m gonna keep being faithful and generous with what I have knowing that what I reap, I’ll sow up to 100 times more.

My faith feels almost nonexistent today, BUT GOD said all I need is a little so I’m going to water this tiny seed and watch the harvest start to come.

Yeah, this.

Which of these did you need to hear most today? Would love to hear below.


A word for my Church fam about the halftime show.


My favorite challenges to kick start your new year!